Author: Mila Spasojević
There is a growing need to create new technologies as the world’s population slowly ages in order to improve care for them. AI has become one of the most crucial helpers for keeping the elderly safe and secure without disrupting their independence.
The AARP research consistently shows that the majority (nearly 80% in 2021.) of older adults wish to age at their homes, independently. Naturally, every individual would rather spend time in their own home, with their family and familiar surroundings. Being comfortable and happy is a factor that affects health, which is why it is of great importance to keep our elderly content with their lives. However – we need to consider the other factors that influence health as well.
Each year, millions of older adults (aged 65 and more) fall. Some of these falls result in hip fractures and serious injuries. This is especially problematic when older adults are alone at home and immobile. Therefore, many people put their loved ones in nursing homes, given that they cannot be physically present 24/7.
Luckily, the 21st century inventions have made many things possible.
Given that technology is constantly advancing, we are not unfamiliar with the use of security cameras around and in the house. However, as mentioned above – technology is constantly advancing. Today, we have personal assistants in the phones, bots that give us common sense and natural answers, and smart systems that learn about our routine. Now, imagine merging one such smart system with a security camera.
Let us introduce you to Ola – the world’s most advanced AI- based monitoring software dedicated to aiding older adults. With the human-like ability to perceive, Ola learns your routine, patterns and makes sure to alert you as soon as it detects an out of routine situation. Ola will never make unnecessary alarms, as it understands the difference between life- threatening situations and simple movement. Where many systems have failed, Ola has succeeded. It’s human-like ability to perceive situations within context makes it an ideal assistant for watching over older adults.
Ola offers its smart security cameras as well as its software, which can be implemented in already existing cameras.
Ola’s main mission is to keep your loved ones safe and help you react in the fastest way possible in case of an emergency. Ola will alert caregivers or family members to potential health or safety issues even from thousands of miles away. Falls, calls for help, emergencies, intruders, abnormal events, Ola will detect it all and immediately react.
Do not let distance or time stop you from always being there for your loved ones. With the Ola software, you will get an extra pair of eyes to help keep them safe, always.